The units will receive a score as follows:
1. Once each item in the unit is scored a total possible score will be calculated assuming the unit had scored a 3 on every item. There are 48 items to score in a one-bedroom unit. The total possible score for a one bedroom would be 48 X 3 = 144.
2. The unit total will be a sum of all scores the unit receives. A one-bedroom unit might receive a score of 135.
3. A percentage will be calculated of total points/ total points possible. In the one bedroom example, the unit would score 135/144 = 93%.
4. The unit will receive a grade using the following scale:
100 – 90% = A (approximately 75% of items score a 3, 25% score a 2)
89 – 80% = B (approximately 30% of items score a 3, 70% score a 2)
79 – below = C
5. Units scoring below 90% will be considered by Premier Vacation Rentals for further action up to and including suspension from the rental program.