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 Our Key Differentiators

What Makes  VRC Different?

Lightning fast response timing for guests and owners. We mean it. So fast it will shock you.

Owner facing service emphasis.  When you interact with our company, you’ll be speaking to an owner of the company, someone with the highest degree of concern for the outcomes of what your interaction entails.

Active resort hotel and airline level yield and rate management.  There is simply no other company in this business that offers your home targeted yield and rate management as if it were a stand-alone hotel or resort.  We estimate this enables our group to outperform our competition by an average of 15% in gross revenue.

Technologically advanced – At our core we’re a technology company.  We study the industry closely and we adapt new technologies well ahead of the curve, which keeps your property in the lead ahead of the completion and it keeps our guests receiving the fastest and most efficient services available in the marketplace.

Innovation in damage and no more nickel and dime maintenance costs – At PVRG we self fund our damage program, providing up to $2,000 per guest stay to repair anything that guests inadvertently damage.  If we can tell it’s guests damage, it’s fixed and fast, and we pay for it,  to as good or better condition than before.  If we can’t tell if a guest caused the damage or not, we fix and pay for those items as well.  Additionally, we don’t charge you for small maintenance items like lightbulbs replacement, batteries or other small maintenance repairs that drive owners crazy to see on their statements.  We just pay for it.

No Booking Fees – We’re the only company we know of that refuses to add booking fees to guests stays with no real service or amenity nexus.  Other companies use this as a pure profit line items (and almost all of them do it) that doesn’t provide any real service to the guest, nor is it shared with the owner. This increases the real management fees charged by almost all vacation rental management companies by an average of 10%.  So if a management company says they’re charging 35% for managing your property, and they charge these fees, their real charge to you is in excess of 45% ( a fact they rarely if ever mention).  We believe this is lacking in ethics and good business practices.

See our marketing services page for the many other innovative things we do to make your stay or your property best in class!

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